You can disable a subscription plan to hide it from your membership bot users. In the future, you can re-enable the plan to make it visible again.
These changes will affect new payments and subscriptions only. If there's a recurring subscription (created with Stripe, for example), it won't be canceled automatically.
To disable a plan, open @InviteMemberBot, open your project, click Subscription plans, select one of your plans, and click Enabled: ON:
Membership bot users won't see it if they send /start or Plans commands and they can't pay for it.
Allowing Disabled Plan Renewal
Additionally, once you disabled a plan, you'll see the Advanced Subscription Plan Setting Allow disabled plan renewal. Leaving this ON will allow users on the now-disabled plan to continue renewing their subscription within the bot.
Disabling Versus Deleting a Subscription Plan
Disabling your subscription plans is typically a better option than deleting them, especially if you have active subscribers. If you delete a subscription plan, it will not cancel any of the active subscriptions or remove any users and your users' recurring subscriptions will have to be managed via the payment gateways (Stripe, Paypal, etc.) rather than within the membership bot.